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Lace and Paint (True Colors Book 1) Page 39

  Talia Blum: Yeah, right…

  Ben Storm: Pity, I actually missed you today.

  My jaw drops. He missed me? He missed me…

  Talia Blum: So why didn’t you send me a message the whole day?

  Ben Storm: It was hectic. Two-year-old children can be exhausting. Especially when they come in pairs…

  Talia Blum: Sounds like fun. Really.

  Ben Storm: Yes, it was.

  Talia Blum: You’re not annoyed that the present was so expensive?

  Ben Storm: No, silly, I can afford it.

  Talia Blum: Good. I’d be worried about my job if you couldn’t

  Ben Storm: I’d be worried about mine…

  Talia Blum: Good, so we both have no worries. Wonderful!

  Ben Storm: I miss your smell.

  Wow, with no warning. Him and his intimate confessions…

  Talia Blum: What else do you miss?

  Ben Storm: Your tongue. In my mouth. And my tongue, but in completely different places

  Talia Blum: Do you really want this conversation? Because I was just going to pour myself a glass of wine, and then my mouth will cause trouble.

  Ben Storm: Make sure it’s filled to the top…

  Talia Blum: Do you think I need wine for this?!

  Ben Storm: I don’t think you need a thing. It’s built-in with you.

  Talia Blum: And you love it.

  Ben Storm: I do.

  Talia Blum: So where were we?

  Ben Storm: Somebody’s interested…

  Talia Blum: In you? Always

  Ben Storm: Glad to hear that.

  As if he didn’t know…

  Talia Blum: Speaking of your tongue...come to think of it, my tongue hasn’t explored certain parts of your body for a while…

  Ben Storm: And what are you going to do about that?

  Talia Blum: Oh, I have so many good ideas.

  Ben Storm: Let’s hear them.

  Talia Blum: No, no, no. There are certain things I only demonstrate

  Ben Storm: Naughty girl.

  Talia Blum: Now more than ever.

  Ben Storm: Should I start worrying again?

  Talia Blum: I would recommend you install a lock on your office door.

  Ben Storm: You know my office is off-limits. I’m serious.

  Talia Blum: How come? Because you said so?

  Ben Storm: Talia.

  Talia Blum: Let’s see, tomorrow at around...ten thirty?

  Ben Storm: You’re kidding…

  Talia Blum: Maybe. Maybe not. After all, I haven’t seen you for...too long.

  Ben Storm: You’re kidding. But I’ll call a locksmith tonight just to be on the safe side

  Talia Blum: As if that could stop me. As if you could stop me. You adore me and my nonsense.

  Ben Storm: And I adore your mouth. And now I won’t fall asleep all night, imagining what it does to me.

  Talia Blum: Good.

  Ben Storm: And I’ll imagine what I do to you…

  Talia Blum: I love what you do to me...

  Ben Storm: I know and I think my neighbors do, too...

  Talia Blum: A little jealousy never killed anyone. Yet.

  Ben Storm: Your last attempt at getting me jealous wasn’t really a success.

  Talia Blum: No? Because if memory serves me right, I came so hard that night I screamed. I guess it all depends on how you measure success

  Ben Storm: I love it when you scream.

  Talia Blum: I love it when you make me scream.

  Ben Storm: I really won’t sleep tonight.

  Talia Blum: Just don’t go looking for any cheap replacements...

  Ben Storm: You can’t be replaced, beautiful.

  Talia Blum: Glad to know.

  Ben Storm: I have to go now. A (cold) shower and all that...

  Talia Blum: Think about me.

  Ben Storm: I always think about you.

  Talia Blum: Flatterer. We both know that’s not true. And don’t panic, I’m not starting that conversation again.

  Ben Storm: I’m glad you’re not. And I really do think about you. Good night.

  He logs out, leaving me with the last sentence blinking on the screen. I really do think about you. And he really does confuse me. Repeatedly. I close my laptop and hope that, maybe tonight, I’ll get some sleep…

  The light filtering through the curtain wakes me slowly. Rays of sunshine illuminate the floor, and I realize I forgot to close the curtains last night. I turn around in my empty bed. The last chat left me yearning. I look at the watch: it’s eight thirty on Tuesday morning. Ben is probably in his car on his way back to London.

  I take a leisurely shower, make myself a cup of coffee, and go into my blog, checking out responses from last night, including about the shouting that disturbs the neighbors and the office-sex. It really is more active than usual…

  A response from Ronnie Kay: Maybe now you’ll agree to consider my offer, about taking advantage of the office for enjoyable oral sex behind the desk. No doubt the idea will shock him, but take it from me, he’ll enjoy every exciting moment…

  I read the response and smile. You’re funny, Ronnie K. Do you really think I would do that? Seriously. I mean I’m sure it’s exciting. And he’ll probably be shocked and maybe a little angry…Anyway, the office is off-limits and Danny’s door is probably close by. But seriously, should I do it? In the office?

  It’s ten a.m. My blog is occupying my time more than usual due to all the responses and suggestions. I call Sarah, as I’ve been doing every morning since I started working with her. The conversation with her is as easygoing as always. She laughs and tells me she thinks I’ve caught on to the idea of the job and there’s no need for me to call her in the mornings—she’ll call me when there’s something important. I should just continue wandering around the city like I’ve been doing until now and update her. She makes sure to tell me that, since I’ve been working there, the amount of calls she’s received has increased. My heart skips a beat from happiness.

  I look at the time: ten past ten. Another day in the city is awaiting me.

  But I can’t forget this morning’s blog and last night’s conversation.

  I’m dying to do it. I’m dying to go to his office and surprise him, like that. The thought alone causes my body to react irrationally.

  He won’t like it. I mean, he’ll love it. But everything about the office is off-limits. I have to find a reason to go there. I can let him know in advance that I’m coming. If he means what he said, he’ll lock the door and he won’t let me in.

  Wait a minute, he owes me money! One hundred and ten pounds to be exact.

  I pull out my phone. I’m really going to do this. Way to go, hypomania!

  I send him a message.


  I’m coming to collect the money you owe me. Please inform Sharon you are expecting me.

  I know he’ll answer quickly.


  I’ll bring you the money in the evening. Forget about your plan.


  I’m already on my way, and if you don’t want me to make a scene, let Sharon know

  I put my phone in my bag and leave hastily. His office isn’t far, even on foot. I can’t believe I’m actually going to do this!

  I walk quickly. The sooner I get there, the less time I’ll have to change my mind. My blog is going to go crazy this evening!

  I enter the building, go straight to the elevator and press the fifth floor. He’s probably going crazy in his chair. Maybe he doesn’t really believe I’ll come. He knows me better than that, doesn’t he? We’ve already agreed I’m unpredictable.

  But I’m serious, at least for now. I still have a few more meters to change my mind.

  I get out of the lift. Sharon is sitting behind the reception desk, typing some document on the computer.

  And she thought stroking his arm in the park would get the job done.

  I walk up to her and she smiles pleasantly. My hea
rt is pounding. What if he hasn’t said anything to her? What if he’s locked the door? That could be mortifying.

  “Good morning.” I try smiling, despite the obvious stress I’m in and the crazy excitement and thrills going through my body. “Mr. Storm is expecting me.”

  I wait for her answer, come what may.

  “The last door to the right.” She smiles and looks at me pleasantly. He told her!

  “Thank you,” I answer without smiling, and turn toward the hallway. The last door to the right. I walk excitedly to his office.

  I’m going to do it!

  I knock twice on the door and listen… “Come in!” I hear his voice on the other side. I open the door and go in, closing it behind me.

  I look seductively at Ben, who’s sitting behind a large, office desk. I’m grinning. I can’t read his expression when he looks at me. Is he stressed? Afraid? Incredulous?

  I don’t really care. I walk confidently behind the desk. My heart is beating wildly.

  “Talia, you’re not serious—” he starts to say, but I don’t let him finish the sentence as I fall to my knees. With speedy fingers, I open his pants button.

  “Talia! What the hell!” He tries to lean toward me, but I send a long and confident hand straight to his chest and push him back with all my strength. I stare into his eyes with a piercing gaze, and he looks back at me, stunned. With my other hand I let down my hair and shake my head slightly, letting my curls cascade…

  “Talia,” he says softly.

  “Shut up,” I reply sternly, and look down. I pull down his pants and underpants as low as possible. His erection springs out, ready for me.

  “Jesus Christ! I don’t even have a lock on my door!”

  “So you’d better be quiet,” I hiss and, without warning, I take him in my mouth, and suck.

  “Fuck!” he pants. “What are you doing?”

  I push him in deep, until he hits the back of my throat. My tongue moves over the spongy tip and my lips cover my teeth, protecting him. An intoxicating feeling of power overwhelms me. I’m in control now, and he loves it. Let’s see him say no to me now…

  He’s panting, trying to keep silent. I raise my eyes and see him looking at me with shining eyes.

  He rakes his fingers through my hair.

  He’s inside my mouth. I slide my lips up and down. His hands are digging deep into my hair and he’s dictating the rhythm. I suck all of him, putting him in as deep as possible, swirling my tongue along his length. I can hear his breathing intensifying, which makes me pick up the pace, in and out, in and out, ruthlessly. My mouth is wet and ready for him.

  “Fuck!” He’s panting harder and I don’t stop. My whole being is focused on his hard length inside my mouth. I increase the suction around it, around the tip, and feel how close he is, when his grip on my hair tightens.

  “Talia!” he breathes out in a whisper. I put him in as deep as possible, giving him all of me and he comes in my mouth. A salty, familiar taste hits my throat, and I swallow it all then pull him out of my mouth in one, swift movement.

  I get up and stand between his legs. He looks at me flabbergasted and sees the huge smile on my face.

  “You’re insane…” he seethes. I straighten my skirt, tuck my shirt in, put my hair up and, without a word, I turn around and leave the room.

  “Talia!” he calls out after me, confused and agitated, but I don’t turn around. I press the button to the elevator, knowing he won’t catch up with me.

  I leave the building in a rush. My heart refuses to calm down. What have I done now?

  I don’t know where to go. My phone rings. I know it’s Ben. There’s no way I’m going to answer him. My eyes are darting to the right and to the left. The park isn’t far. I can go there to clear my head and sort out my thoughts after what I’ve just done.

  My phone signals an incoming message and I open it.


  Where r u?

  Without thinking, I press the button and turn it off. I don’t want him to find me. I don’t want him to ream me out. I just want to be left with the picture of me on my knees in his office, giving him all of me.

  I walk down the street quickly and turn into the park, leaving behind the bustle of the street.

  I need to think so I walk down the path and find a bench in the shade. Sitting down, I hug my shaking legs to my chest.

  God! Did I just do that? I must be out of my mind. The office is off-limits. But I just wanted to drive this man as insane as he drives me. It was crazy, like me, like I like to be.

  I remain seated on the bench for a long time. I don’t know how much time has passed. My previous excitement has been replaced by a mounting fear of my angry man.

  Maybe I went too far? Not that he didn’t enjoy it. The thrill and adrenalin that were flowing through my blood must have gone through his as well.

  When it comes to him, I can’t think rationally. I allow my head and my body complete freedom, and my demons dance and jump in total and utter satisfaction.

  I reluctantly take my phone out of my bag and turn it on. I should see what time it is.

  Two new messages beep the moment the phone starts working again. It’s ten minutes past twelve.


  We need to talk.

  Call me.


  Damn it, Talia! Where are you?

  I play with my phone. It’s time for a scolding. I dial Ben’s number and my stomach turns. He answers after the first ring.

  “Where are you?” He sounds furious. Really furious. Shit!

  “At the park,” I gulp.

  “What did I tell you about the office?”

  “I’m sorry,” I mumble, my mouth dry.

  “There’s a small café right below my office. Meet me there in fifteen minutes.”

  “Ben—” I try talking him out of it, but he interrupts me.

  “Do me a favor and don’t argue. That’s the least you can do.” He sounds cold and decisive.

  “Okay,” I whisper and he hangs up.

  I totally went too far, he was very clear about the office, and I didn’t respect his wishes.

  I leave the park, fear threatening to paralyze me. What if I’ve ruined it all? What if he’s going to dump my ass?

  I walk down the street and easily find the café. He’s sitting inside waiting for me. The thunderous look on his face increases my panic.

  I sit down opposite him and look down.

  “You’re mental,” he hisses angrily. It looks as though he’s making a supreme effort to control himself.

  “I’m sorry. I thought…” I try to mumble some stupid explanation.

  Come on! What kind of excuse will justify my behavior?

  “What were you thinking? What the hell were you thinking?” He tries not to raise his voice.

  I look at the floor, wishing I could bury myself under the table and disappear.

  “I thought it would excite you.”

  “You thought that would excite me? Fuck, Talia, where’s your head? Danny’s office is right across the hallway. Anyone could have come in and caught us! What would they have thought?”

  “That you were enjoying yourself?” I try to crack a joke, but he doesn’t laugh.

  “It’s not funny, Talia, really.” He’s still annoyed. “Sometimes you can be so reckless.”

  “So, you didn’t enjoy it?” I ask, in an attempt to lighten the mood and change the direction of this horrible conversation.

  “What do you think?” He stares at me.

  I start to smile. “I missed you and I couldn’t wait,” I reply, trying to give him my most disarming smile.

  “Then please learn to restrain yourself. I’m telling you, the office is off-limits. Next time…”

  My heart sinks.

  “What will happen the next time?” I’m no longer smiling.

  “Nothing, because there won’t be a next time,” he says seriously.

  My heart skips a beat. There won’t
be a next time?

  Panic consumes me. Doesn’t he want to see me anymore? This isn’t happening. He isn’t throwing me out of his life now. Not when I want him so badly…

  “Don’t you want to see me anymore?” I whisper in total panic. I wait for his answer in trepidation.

  “What are you talking about?” He looks at me, puzzled.

  “You said there wasn’t going to be a next time…” My voice is shaking and I gulp.

  “In the office, Talia. There isn’t going to be a next time in the office. I’m not kidding with you. The office is off-limits.”