Lace and Paint (True Colors Book 1) Page 33
“Danny would’ve.” He looks at me.
“Danny has spent half of his life worrying about me. He didn’t need that on his conscience as well,” I reply. I had no intention of bothering Danny with my troubles any more than I already had.
“Do you have any other dreams you’d like to share with me?” he asks seriously. He continues to watch me as I chew my bread.
“Not really.” I feel awkward. My dreams are the last thing I want to think about now.
“No, there are no more dreams, or no, I don’t want to tell you?” he insists.
“The latter,” I answer. Ben and his interrogations!
“Okay, then we may have to stay here another night so I can find out by myself.” He gives me a teasing look, taking my breath away.
“Our train is at four,” I stammer. I’m not sure if he’s being serious or not. Another night? I wasn’t even sure he’d come at all. His sentence gives me hope.
“I’m sure there are trains tomorrow as well.” He grins broadly. “Don’t you want to stay?”
Don’t I want to stay? I’m willing to move to this stupid caravan if he’s in it!
“Really?” I utter in amazement. “You don’t need to get back?”
“After finally leaving the city for a nature retreat? I’m sure I can manage another day with just my laptop.” His smile causes my heart to skip a beat and do three somersaults.
“So the meadow agrees with you?” I grin. I can’t believe my idea was so successful.
“The meadow.” He nods, staring at me with big eyes. “And the company…”
“I’m glad you like my surprise.” I feel so content.
“I love your surprise. And now I need to finish eating and work, and you also have stuff to do.”
I need to call Bill, extend our stay in the village, and call Danny—to lie to him again.
I’m sure Ben is thinking about that as well but he doesn’t say a word, and I’m glad he doesn’t raise the subject.
Ben sits next to me on the large blanket, and we both open our laptops.
I wait until he immerses himself in his emails, contracts, and building plans, until I’m certain he’s preoccupied with business and not interested in what I’m doing. Then I start typing.
June 23rd 2012
I’m in love, spending my weekend with the most perfect man in the whole wide world, in a small and cramped caravan, in a meadow.
My demons have chased me all the way here, and I woke up shouting, scaring the green eyes that were staring at me.
I told him about that bastard who abused the eighteen-year-old girl I was. The one who violated the fragile trust I had for the shitty humans around me.
I’m still learning to cope with the guilt and helplessness. I hadn’t told a soul—until yesterday.
He engulfed me with his words and quenched my thirsty heart.
He asked for another night. With me. Refused the four-p.m. train in order to steal another day with me, in our small, double bed, in our isolated caravan. He’s so wonderful. And I’m in love. I had never thought it possible, certainly not after such a short time.
I just want to make him happy. That’s all. I don’t ask for anything for myself. I just want one small thing from him. His heart.
Captive Talula
“I’m going inside to work.” Ben’s voice startles me. “The sun is blinding me, sweetheart.”
“I think it’s best I stay outside.” I look at him playfully. “If I go inside…”
“My thoughts exactly.” He smiles charmingly, giving away his thoughts.
He wants me. Now. Constantly. As I want him.
Ben gets up and goes inside. I close my computer and lie in the hot sun. I close my eyes and allow my thoughts to drift off to the previous night.
You’re wonderful…and smart…and beautiful…
“Have you finished working?” I ask Ben, who is lying in bed with the computer on his lap. He looks up and replies, “Almost.”
“Okay,” I reply softly, “don’t let me interrupt you…”
In one quick movement, I pull my dress off, remove my panties, and stand naked by the bed. Ben is enthralled. His eyes scrutinize my naked body, making me blush. He likes me this way, daring, not shy with him.
“What did you have in mind?” he asks, grinning.
“I thought you hadn’t finished yet. Don’t let me bother you.” I smile as I lie down on my stomach by his side and bring my mouth close to his ear.
“I was just thinking,” I whisper in his ear and kiss his earlobe, “how nice it would be…if you were inside me.”
I breathe gently near his ear.
He closes his eyes and his chest starts heaving.
“But you,” I continue, “prefer to work…instead of feeling how much I want you…”
He closes his laptop and puts it on the dresser next to the bed.
“No, no, no,” I whisper seductively. “You wanted to know what I had in mind. So now you’ll have to lie here…and just listen…instead of being inside me…” I breathe slowly next to him. “Here, feel.” I take his hand and run it over my wet opening.
“Talia…” he whispers, and his fingers move over my slit.
“Such a shame.” I move his hand. “Instead of being inside me…as I’d like…filling me up…” I lean toward him and bite his lip.
“You’re killing me,” he whispers and I slip my hand into his pants, grabbing his erection, wrapping my fingers around it.
“Really? It’s not me.” I continue torturing him. “It’s you…”
He pulls his clothes off in one swift move, flings them onto the side of the bed, and lies next to me, naked and aroused.
I suck on his lip before I climb on top of him, sit on his hips, and slowly lean forward toward his ear.
“Watch…” I tease and move my slit over his erection, letting him feel how ready I am for him. I can feel that he wants to penetrate me, but I move away, not giving him the satisfaction.
He moans and I enjoy torturing him some more.
“So, what’ll it be?” I continue undulating against his impressive erection. “Your computer?” He thrusts against me. “Or this?” I whisper and put him inside me, allowing him to go in deeply. His hands press my hips down, but I rise on my knees and he slips out.
He groans. He wants more.
I let him penetrate me again and with a tormenting slowness take him out, again.
“What do you say? Your computer?” I let him enter me again and feel how wet and ready I am. I lift my hips slowly. His hands grab me and try to pull me down, but I move and he slips out.
“Or…me?” I whisper and push him into me deeply, arching my back and my exposed breasts. I move my hips back and forth, feeling him go deeper and deeper. He groans with pleasure. He throws his head back and I take him out again. I lean over him, my face close to his. His eyes burn with passion. I place my hands on both sides of his head and whisper in his ear, “Do you want your computer now?”
“I want you.” He groans loudly as I position my slit right over the tip of his erection.
“Are you sure?” I whisper.
“I want you!” he whispers, begging me, his green eyes locked into mine. I push him into me, my head next to his, and feel him deep inside. I rock back and forth. His hands grasp my hips, his fingers on my favorite, protruding bone. His breathing is quick and loud. I move up and down and pick up the rhythm, moaning in his ear and listening to him panting beneath me.
“Keep your eyes open,” he demands through gritted teeth. “Look at me when you come.”
“I can’t,” I mutter. Looking at him, and letting go, at the same time…
He pulls out of me slowly.
“Please,” I beg him. The tables have turned. Now he’s running the show…
“Look at me.” His tone is stern and authoritative. I don’t take my eyes off him. He waits just a moment and then slams into me. I shout, but I don’t look away from
“Yes,” I moan. “Harder.”
I let my body match his thrusts.
“Don’t. Close. Your. Eyes,” he orders between each breath, each thrust. I can feel how close I am. But I get too embarrassed when I look at him.
He pushes himself in again and again.
“Let go,” he demands.
“I can’t.”
“Let go.” His voice gets louder. His breathing quickens and I want to come so badly. My body is screaming, the feeling of him inside me is so wonderful.
“Ben…” I moan. I’m so close. I want it so much.
“Let go!” he shouts.
And I let go. A loud shout makes its way out of me and an amazing orgasm engulfs me as I look straight into his green eyes. And then he looks into mine and comes, shouting my name, “Talia!”
Ben’s arms are hugging me from behind, I can hear him breathing on my neck. He’s asleep. Nevertheless, I find it impossible to close my eyes and get some sleep too. My demons are celebrating. They won’t let my body get the rest I know it needs. The most perfect man in the world is hugging me in his arms in a small, cramped caravan in the middle of nowhere, and I don’t want to miss even one second. My fingers gently caress his arm, addicted to the feel of him. I close my eyes, finding it hard to believe that he wants to stay another night with me. This confusing man. Confused man. Mine. The man I love.
“Talia.” I feel a gentle hand stroking my hair and I open my eyes. Ben smiles at me. I must have fallen asleep, my body surrendering to fatigue.
“Hi,” I mumble through a small yawn. “What time is it?”
“Six. We need to eat something.” Shit. I hadn’t planned for us to stay another night, and we have nothing to eat in the caravan.
“This wasn’t part of the original plan.” I smile at him.
“I know. But there’s a nice restaurant here. Come on, get dressed.”
“How do you know?” I sit up in bed and look for my panties on the floor.
“Internet.” He grins and gets dressed. “You’re not the only one who knows how to look for things.”
“So what are we eating?”
“Supper.” He looks at me with his charming smile.
“Very funny!” I grab my pillow and throw it at him in a swift movement.
“Hey! If you think a pillow fight will help you avoid supper, it won’t work, young lady!” He laughs, catching the pillow and throwing it back at me.
“I don’t, but it’s obvious you would’ve lost big time.” I stand up and put on my dress.
“We’ll see about that.”
“Okay, take me to eat before I find something else to throw at you.” I laugh as I put my shoes on. Ben is already dressed, and he stretches his hand out to me.
If there’s one thing I love, it’s holding his hand. And here, in Kent, far away from anyone who knows us, we don’t need to be afraid someone will see.
The restaurant is just a ten-minute walk from our caravan. I remember to take my sweater and the surrounding tranquility reminds me so much of home. I can’t believe I’ve been in England for just over a month. So much has happened since I arrived. I never could have imagined it. I walk next to him down the path, my hand in his, almost bursting with happiness.
“Did you eat enough?” Ben looks at me in concern. I ate enough for the entire week. The small restaurant is illuminated by a dim light and the smell of meat wafts through it. Soft blues music is playing and I put my fork down, unable to eat another bite.
“I’m full,” I reply, feeling good. I really had enough to eat: chicken breast, some potatoes, and a salad.
“More wine?” He lifts the bottle of the delicious Merlot that he ordered for us and I nod.
“If you’re trying to get me drunk, you’re moving in the right direction.” A tiny giggle comes out.
“I’m dying to see you drunk again.” He takes his eyes off the bottle as he fills our glasses.
“Not tonight,” I grin.
Really not tonight. Drunken Talia can be mischievous and seductive, but this weekend isn’t the right place for her to make an appearance.
“Some other time?” he suggests.
“Some other time,” I joke.
“Did you speak to Danny?” he asks solemnly.
“What did you say to him?”
“That I’m spending the weekend in Kent, in bed with his best friend. What do you think I said to him?” I tease him.
“Tom?” He takes a sip of his wine.
“I must remember to thank the guy sometime.” He laughs slightly.
“I can have that arranged, if you want,” I mumble uncomfortably.
“You still have his number?” Ben looks at me, somewhat taken aback.
“I think so.” I shrug.
“Not sure. I never deleted it.” I’m not sure where this conversation is going.
“Maybe you just want to leave all your options open.” He smiles, and I can see the wine is starting to affect him, as it’s affecting me.
“He wouldn’t mind,” I answer.
“What does that mean?” He doesn’t sound pleased. Does he seriously not understand that I can’t think about anyone else?
“That evening, in the pub, when you wouldn’t stop laughing at me,” I narrow my eyes and pretend I’m still angry about his behavior, “he told me I’m more than welcome to call him anytime.”
Ben grins. “You’re a popular girl.”
“Yeah, right.” I roll my eyes in blatant disdain.
“Well, I can relate to him. It seemed like you were having a nice time at the bar.”
“We were. I see you didn’t miss that.”
“No one missed it. Your giggles were charming and Danny couldn’t stop glaring at you.”
“Really?” I’m amazed to hear that.
“He won’t stop asking when he’s going to meet Tom.” I take another sip of my wine.
“I hate lying to him,” Ben admits.
“But you like me in your bed more.” I smile shyly.
“I like you in my bed a lot. Now, what do you say we go back to the caravan? It may not be my bed, but I’m certainly willing to make do with it.” He stares at me seductively and I can feel my body awakening.
“Take me to bed, darling,” I propose, and Ben asks for the bill.
We make our way back to the caravan in the dark, without saying a word. The silence is perfect. We both let our thoughts wander. I let Ben’s fingers stroke my palm and a tiny tremor runs through me. My body responds immediately to his touch. Soon we’ll arrive, and he’ll take his clothes off and I’ll let him sink into me and take me to places only he can.
I lean on Ben’s shoulder while he works energetically on his laptop. I’m trying to keep my eyes open, but it’s a losing battle. The rocking of the train is causing them to close. I don’t want to miss my last moments with him, even if he’s busy on his computer. I just want to continue inhaling his aftershave and looking at his clean-shaven cheeks and pretending that his heart beats like mine. But my eyes refuse to stay open and I fall asleep on my most favorite shoulder in the world.
At one p.m. I open the door to the house, feeling apprehensive. I just hope Danny’s inquisition will be short.
I’m already missing the taste of Ben, who pulled me to him at the train station, breathed in my hair, and stroked my cheeks tenderly.
“Your surprise was…” he muttered, “I love your crazy plans.”
His lips found mine and his kiss was unexpectedly intense, which made me dizzy. It was as though he was trying to brand my taste into him. His tongue explored my mouth and I just wanted to freeze time. Then he released me slowly and smiled one last smile. I turned around and walked away from him, my steps small and weak, my knees still shaky from his kiss.
I enter the house now, unsure when I’ll see him
again. I’m a prisoner of my anticipation.
Danny gives me an unhappy look over the weekend paper. I can smell smoke and assume John is on the patio.
“Welcome back.” He’s not pleased.
“Hi,” I answer feebly as I feel the guilt burning inside.
All I do is lie to him, he’s so good to me and all I do is lie to him, but I can’t stop. I can’t tell him and I’m certainly not going to stop seeing Ben. It’s not even an option. I can live with my lies, although not in peace, but I simply cannot imagine my life without the man with the greenest eyes in the world, the one who just spent the weekend with me in a faraway meadow.
“How are you?” he asks gruffly.
How am I? I’ll let you know once I wake up from the dream...
“I’m fine,” I reply, but images of me on a thin blanket, drinking red wine with his best friend, refuse to fade.
“So, Tom?” He closes the newspaper and now his attention is focused on me.
“Yes, I told you over the phone.”
“Why does he never come here?”
“It’s complicated,” I murmur. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Why not?”
“Because you’ll start with your reproofs and I don’t have the energy for that now.” I frown at him.
“My reproofs?”
“Talia, what’s going on with you?” He looks serious, but he isn’t angry, just worried.
“We enjoy being together. We have fun, and that’s all that matters.” I realize I’m repeating Ben’s words. We have fun together, and that’s all that matters.
“It’s not serious, then?” he asks again.
“It is. Of course it is.” I’m quick to correct myself. “You know, he’s busy, so…”
“Talia, please, don’t get yourself into trouble. I don’t like the sound of this guy.” He looks at me with such concern in his eyes. Once again, guilt creeps up on me.
Don’t get into trouble.
Oh, Danny, I’m in so much trouble. I’m head over heels in love, and you really don’t want to know with whom.